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RE/MAX Alliance: Buyer Services

The Colley Team

You’ve decided to buy a house. Emotionally, you’re excited. Financially, you know it’s a huge decision. But in real estate, nothing is an easy choice. At times, it can even be stressful. That’s why we created our Homebuyer’s Gold Tour. It takes all the complicated steps to buying a house and breaks it down into a simple purchase for you. What you get with our Homebuyer’s Gold Tour is a dedicated agent who will walk you through every step, provide expert advice, and never let you worry.

The Gold Tour Benefits

Here’s a summary of the benefits you receive with our Homebuyer’s Gold Tour:

  • Buyer Search Tools – Letting you see homes that went on sale minutes ago
  • A Buyer’s Tour Notebook – Provides all the information on each property you like
  • Free use of Remax Alliance iPads
  • Watch Live Pricing Data – Make sure you buy at the right price
  • Youtube Videos – View the home from your computer or mobile device before you tour it
  • Access to the Instant Offer Program – Be able to make an offer quickly
  • Expert Contract Negotiation – Use our expertise and market knowledge to seal the deal for you

Finding Your Dream Home

With hundreds of homes for sale, it can be hard to sift through the favorites and non-favorites. When you join Remax Alliance, we provide you with two state-of-the-art search tools to help you find the right home for you. Each of these tools gives you immediate access to homes that hit the market within minutes (compared to other websites that show you homes already been sold or that already have an offer). We also provide you with a private Buyer’s Website, where you can organize the properties you like in different folders, along with your notes.

During this time, we give you a comprehensive Buyer’s Tour Notebook, showcasing every piece of information you need to know on the property. By integrating these tools and methods, you’ll be able to make informed decisions while having a competitive edge over other buyers.

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